韓国で購入しました。今では貴重な品だと思います。ケースにスレありますがそれ以外は美品だと思います。ジキル博士とハイド氏 OST (Korean Casting Soundtrack)(韓国盤)[曲目リスト]1-1. Prologue1-2. Lost In The Darkness1-3. Facadel1-4. I Must Go On1-5. Take Me As I Am1-6. Lettin Go1-7. No One Knows Who I Am1-8. Bring On The Man1-9. There Is A No Choice1-10. This Is The Moment1-11. The Trasformation1-12. Alive1-13. His Work And Nothing More1-14. Sympathy And Tenderness1-15. Someone Like You1-16. Alive 21-17. Murder, Murder1-18. Once Upon A Dream1-19. In His Eyes1-20. Its A Dangerous Game1-21. The Way Back1-22. A New Life1-23. Lost In The Darkness + Confrontation1-24. Facade Reprise1-25. The Final Transformation